
Duluth, MN Area

Social Workers, All Other

Social Workers, All Other typically engage in a variety of tasks related to providing social services and support to individuals or communities. Their job description may include developing interventions, advocating for clients, conducting assessments, collaborating with other professionals, and addressing various social issues such as poverty, mental health, and substance abuse. They may work in settings like schools, hospitals, government agencies, or nonprofit organizations.

Income Data

This income data is sourced from the May 2023 Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) survey. The dataset is updated annually.

Annual Pay Distribution

10th percentile


25th percentile


median (50th percentile)


75th percentile


90th percentile


Hourly Pay Distribution
Hourly Rate

10th percentile


25th percentile


median (50th percentile)


75th percentile


90th percentile


Links to Job Listings
Education / Training

Social Workers, All Other typically require a bachelor's degree in social work or a related field such as psychology or sociology. Some positions may necessitate a master's degree in social work (MSW) for advanced roles. High school graduation is a prerequisite for pursuing higher education to become a Social Worker, All Other; however, a high school diploma alone is insufficient to enter this profession. Training for Social Workers, All Other involves a combination of classroom instruction and supervised fieldwork. Bachelor’s programs cover topics like human behavior, social policy, research methods, and ethics. Master’s programs delve deeper into specialized areas like clinical practice or macro-level interventions. Fieldwork placements allow students to apply their knowledge in real-world settings under the guidance of experienced professionals, honing their skills in assessment, intervention, advocacy, and case management. Continuing education and licensure are often required to maintain professional competence and practice legally.